The 2016 American Control Conference, July 6–8, Boston, MA, USA

Sponsoring Organizations

Invited Sessions

Guidelines for Invited Sessions:

  1. Session proposals have no page length requirement, but are typically in the 2-6 page (single column) range. Reviewers appreciate concise documents.

  2. In the introduction, proposals should tell the reviewers why the topic is relevant to the controls and ACC communities (i.e., the topic should be clearly motivated).

  3. An objective should be clearly stated, that is, an explanation of what is meant to be accomplished by organizing this session.

  4. Following the introduction, the organization of the session should be described. List the 6 papers, and their authors, to be included, explain briefly what they are about and why they are included. Discuss briefly how these 6 papers comprise an interesting and cohesive session on the topic.

  5. References should be included as needed. Figures are optional but may be included as desired.

  6. After submitting your Invited Session proposal, you will be given a session code. All authors in your session should submit their paper using this session code. It is strongly suggested that session organizers submit their proposals BEFORE September 21, 2015 so that authors have time to submit their papers before the deadline. NO extensions beyond the September 28, 2015 submission deadline are foreseen.

NOTE: All Invited Session papers will be reviewed individually, using the same process as for regular paper submissions. It is possible that the session may be accepted, but not all of the associated papers are accepted. In this case, your session will be filled with submitted papers which will be assigned by the Program Committee.

For additional information, please contact Daniel E. Rivera (Vice Chair: Invited Sessions) at [email protected].

Conference Submission Site

Conference Registration Site
Hotel Reservation Site

Gold Sponsors


Silver Sponsors

Contacts for Sponsors:

Aranya Chakrabortty
[email protected]
(Vice Chair for Industry & Applications)

Mike Borrello
[email protected] 
(Exhibits Chair)

Danny Abramovitch
[email protected]
(General Chair)

Tentative Key Dates

Draft Manuscripts:
due September 30, 2015

Best Student Paper Nominations:
due October 5, 2015

Workshop Proposals:
due October 16, 2015

Applications Tutorials:
due November 23, 2015

Acceptance/Rejection Notice:
by January 31, 2016

Final Manuscript Submission:
due March 22, 2016

Applications Friday
Poster Submission:
due June 15, 2016